Thursday, November 5, 2009

October 29th, 2009

Today was a good class. I feel like I have a good group for our project we are going to be doing. We got our document set up in Google docs. I don't fully comprehend what we are going to be doing in our group but I'm sure we will learn more about what we are doing in class next week. While I was finishing up and doing everything with my pictures in picasa I realized I don't really like picasa and I feel like there are better programs out there. I don't know if it was something I did or didn't do, but every time I edited a picture, it didn't save my original, so that was pretty frustrating.

Monday, October 19, 2009

October 8, 2009

Class was good today. I already have some experience with digital cameras and also changing different things in the photo. I'm not familiar with Picasa at all but I think it will come pretty easy and I look forward to trying it.

Monday, October 5, 2009

October 1, 2009

Today's class was great. I am really excited for our next assignment. I had already looked at the website we are going to be using and thought it was a fun website.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Sepember 24, 2009

Powerpoints were interesting to learn about. I thought Cory did a good job teaching about them. I found it a little harder than I thought it would be to navigate around the program especially once I got home and was on my own. I never could upload a video onto my powerpoint which I was bummed about because I had two great videos. Other than that I thought the rest of it was pretty easy and it was fun to do a powerpoint agan.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

September 17, 2009

Class on Thursday was pretty interesting. I'm still amazed at all the resources out there for teachers, it is quite exciting! I was not very excited to research websites but it actually ended up being really fun. I am looking forward to learning about power points, I haven't done one for a lot of years, but I remember really enjoying them.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

September 10, 2009

Thursday was a good class. I had already completed the About Me section and so I had lots of time to move onto the next project. I am excited about it, although it was pretty hard to pick a subject and then think of what I could do with a certain subject. I had a few that I liked. It's amazing all of the resources out there for teachers that I had no idea about. It's comforting to see all the great websites that are out there. I didn't have any problems trying to do things on UEN.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

September 3, 2009

Thursday's class was pretty fun. I enjoyed learning how to do more things on I had somewhat of a hard time paying attention because I am already very comfortable with the internet and I can figure things out very easily. I constantly wanted to move ahead. I already have my own personal blog so keeping up with this blog should be quite easy. I did learn quite a few new things on UEN. The biggest thing was I had no idea that you could drag a picture from one website onto UEN. I also enjoyed changing the look of each page. Overall I am really enjoying this class because I love to do things on the computer!